"Climate Change in the Gulf of Maine"
There is an often used statistic in the popular and scientific press that the Gulf of Maine is warming faster than 98% of the world’s oceans. Less often, do we read about what is causing this warming and why it appears to be happening so much faster here. What does this mean for the fisheries and coastal communities currently so engaged in lobstering? Please join us as Dr. Carla Guenther describes the changes we are observing in the Gulf of Maine and recent scientific evidence of the oceanographic processes that are contributing to them. She will also briefly discuss what we might be able to do to best prepare for them and enhance coastal community resilience in eastern Maine.
Carla Guenther is the Chief Scientist at Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries and has been with the organization since 2010. She earned her undergraduate degree at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and her Ph.D. in Marine Science at University of California, Santa Barbara. Carla oversees MCCF's scientific research collaborations, fishermen engagement efforts around science and policy, and translates scientific observations for fishermen and fishermen’s observations for scientists and managers.