E-Books, E-Audiobooks, & E-Magazines
We're excited to offer you a new platform for borrowing digital content. With a gift from a gracious patron, we were able to join the Hancock County Download Library (HCDL). The HCDL unites its participating member libraries to provide expanded digital content in a cost-effective manner. Member libraries include Blue Hill Public library, Buck Memorial Library, Chase Emerson Memorial Library, Ellsworth Public Library, Friend Memorial Library, Jesup Memorial Library, Northeast Harbor Public Library, Southwest Harbor Public Library, Stonington Public Library, and Witherle Memorial Public Library. To view the current collection click the Hancock County Download Library graphic.
This collection offers Chase Emerson Memorial Library patrons access to an online library through the Libby app. E-books, e-audiobooks, and e-magazines are compatible with Kindle Paperwhites and other devices. All you need is your library card number to get access to thousands of titles. If you've lost your card, contact us via phone or email and we'll get your number to you.
To start using the Hancock County Digital Library
1. Click the graphic to download the LIBBY app or get it from your app store.
2. Register/Sign in using the 15 digit barcode on your library card. Contact us if you have misplaced your card.
Cloud Library
Cloud Library by Bibliotheca is an application that enables you to access e-books and e-audiobooks borrowed from the Maine InfoNet Download Library. Click on the CL graphic to download the cloud Library user guide and view tutorial videos. Contact us if you have misplaced your library card, or need assistance.
MARVEL!--Digital Maine Library
MARVEL! Provides every resident of Maine with access to a collection of full text articles and abstracts from magazines, newspapers, journals and reference books that are credible, reputable resources. Registration is required for home use. Please contact the library for assistance.